Thursday, December 13, 2007

Reply to "Equal access to some in Austin not all"

I cannot agree more about the way our handicapped are treated. Being a disabled Vet myself I realize how hard it is to get around. Fortunately my mobility is only partially dampened and I have no need of a wheelchair or other apparatus as of yet, but I have many friends who are in them from fighting for their country. The elderly need help as well as those who have been put in that state for our freedom. If the needs of all cannot be met then fines should be incurred until they can. We all have a right to a certain quality of life, and that aspect should never be removed from those who can’t live the same way as others.

Part Time Parents

What can we say about our beloved Texas government, other than where in the world are they. Here we have a bunch of appointed officials most of which I bet 90 percent of the population of texas haven’t heard of leading the way. While the people we elected to lead are nowhere to be seen. So are we to understand that the growing entity our state has become only has to be regulated every couple of years. Why do we elect part time parents? Why aren’t those in charge at the helm to bring us safely through the day? I realize that they have lives as well but isn’t the reason they were elected to take care of the states well being. Maybe they feel that even though our school systems are failing we’ll be ok till they come back. Or is it that they consider parts of the state not having potable water just a mere sniffle? What will it take for the Texas government to step up a bit in the few years they’re off and solve a few things before they go back on vacation?
Maybe I lean on our representative and senators a bit hard. We as a people should realize by now that we couldn’t get together long enough to say hi none-the-less vote for an amendment. Our parents need all of the children to stand up and speak in order for the voice to be heard saying that change is needed. We all speak softly and tread lightly which parents in the real world wished were true of every child at one point or another. So lets take off the slippers and put on the boots, because if they ignore the voice they can never ignore the tantrums and stomping fits. It would only be a matter of time before the childless vacation would be over and they would return. Yes they may be cranky about it, but hey if they want the job they’ll just have to grin and bear it. So everyone stand up, jump around, and scream for those we chose to be our fathers and mothers to come home and tidy up the place again. This place needs all the TLC it can get.

Punishment that teaches a lesson

Ok here is another ramble about children for those who are interested. Yes, I know it’s a reoccurring topic in my blog, but cut me some slack it repeats in the news as well. There are a lot of people who believe that the old quote “spare the rod, spoil the child” is barbaric and outdated. Let me explain something to these people. When a child fears the repercussion of their actions there is a probable chance they won’t repeat that action, or concoct a sneakier way of performing such. Either way there is a penalty tagged onto that action for life. Telling a child no does not work no matter how calmly or nice you state it. This passive aggressive approach teaches a child no more than that they can get away with anything, because all they’ll get is a stern word.
Now with that said let me refer to the bastards who take corporal punishment to far. We are adults, and with age should follow reason. Unfortunately, that is becoming alarmingly untrue. The parents in this “Baby Grace” murder, and yes I use the word murder because that’s exactly what it was, should have the same punishment pushed upon them. I mean you figure we teach our children with reprimand and punishment, shouldn’t adults learn from the same way. This court system of ours is completely prone towards retribution, but damnit to be a child to death because she’s 2 and doesn’t speak properly deserves an equal and opposite reaction. It’s one thing to be upset with a parent because they spank the brat who’s screaming around a store, but you’ll just have to get over it people. For generations Christians preach that coporal punishment is needed, and now they cringe the second you enforce that. Yet, I believe even they would agree with me that for once the pay back from the state should send a message. Kill our future and we’ll make your worst fears and pains come true.
Personally I’m all for the passage of justice when its needed, but here we have people who are confessed killers of their own child. To many children have died from negligent, abusive parents and its time to teach those who would kill in the future that it won’t be stood for. Come on Texas beat them, put them in a plastic box, and drown the parents in the ocean. Then for good measure rescue them so you can repeat the same abuse every year for the rest of their sorry lives.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rip the band-aid off, you need stitches....

This would be one article of complete truth that i would completely agree with. With only a few minor additions that i hope you would find accentuate the purpose of this writing. You wrote that your concerns lie souly on the shoulders of texas and her government. Well i would have to say that those days of standing on our own are over. At least in some areas concerning the welfare of the people. Money has been spread thin throughout the different causes and societies that are either trying to help, or just hording the cash for themselves. Being able tell who does help has changed from difficult to down right impossible.
A new view needs to be taken from a nonstagnant eye. The government saw fit to "blackmail" states to get the drinking age they wanted. Well, if they are that concerned about the welfare of those that become intoxicated then they should even more concern for the children that can't. I not preaching for the national government to come in and take over the child welfare department, but at least take a few steps to help those who are making a difference.
A drug war is being fought with no end to the money and personell available to fight it. While a child fights for just a loving embrace, or a warm meal that could have been provided by just a small sum of that drug war money. Our schools dwindle away because teachers aren't paid to care anymore. So lesson plans become lack causing grade scores to falter and, the governments reaction is to shut the school down. While they put those children who didn't have the benefit of learning what they should have, and place them in a place where students who've had the benefits so they learn what feeling inferior is like early in life. Brilliant!!
Wait there's more smart moves to come. A child who can't be cared for at home is placed in a foster home with little to no thought pertaining to the mental effects this has on them. Yet, we can have clinics set up for the woman who keep their children and still suffer seperation anxiety. They child will know what its like to be cared about. The child down the street thats dejected and hurt can call a help line to talk to people who really don't care to talk they just want the paycheck.
Yes, all your concern is just and right. I agree with you wholeheartedly, but unfortunately our government is just not enough anymore. They are going to need a push to save what matters most...our children, and no amounts of votes is going to get them going. So I say its time for a helping hand with a fresh hopeful eye. Not the current closed fist from power blind officials.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I agree VOTE NO ON PROP 10

At first I thought it was a joke. I mean really, we’re paying people to come up with the spectacular idea to provide money and devote time to the removal of an office that hasn’t been held in decades. Well I for one believe our teachers’ colleague has the perfect idea. Let’s all get together and vote no on proposition 10. I love the idea of shoving the laziness of such a lack proposal back into the dufus’s face that decided we should spend the money to remove this. The office of animal and hide inspection not only doesn’t exist, it also has no budget. If this is the case the office is in fact nonexistent. I believe not only should we keep this office we should add insult to injury and fill it once again. As a point to prove that ill conceived proposals irreversibly waste voter turnout, time, and money that could obviously be used for a more pressing matter.
Ok all is not lost on me I can understand the want to tidy up the constitution, but seriously, can we not focus on things of a nature that is relevant. With rising population, an expanding amount of crime, and a lack of learning in schools one would be forced to realize that with such ungainly pursuits such as this prop 10 our elected superiors don’t really care. Yes, I realize that there are bills passed in order to help, and sometimes these are in the general best interest. Yet, with a year and a half to prepare said bills before they even reach the table everything is still turned in at the last moment hoping for approval. This type of procrastination is unbelievable, and is what leaves me to believe that prop 10 was just someone’s stupid attempt of passing time so they look busy. For this offense I believe that prop 10 is without a doubt something we should all vote against.
Bring the Office of animal and hide inspectors back online. Give it a budget and a staff. Vote completely against those who would waste our time with non-existent law. Maybe this will prove to them that we are watching, and perhaps light a fire under that nice comfy chair downtown. Who knows these genuine law makers might even bring to light something that might help the common good. Instead of making the ones in power a laughing stock of buffoons. That enjoys sticking their hands into pockets that are already empty. Strike against the imbecilic banter of a dictionary with lips, and vote no on prop 10. Let’s show them all that we care what they spend our valuable time on.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Race for the Mexican Vote

As I strolled through the candy isle yesterday looking for starburst I came across a bag of what I think was skittles. I’m still not quite sure what it was being that it looked like a skittles bag and even had pictures of round candy marked by and S, but I didn’t have an interpreter to prove what I thought. The Latin influence in Texas is reaching an all time high and it’s still rising. So of course the race is now on to win their minds, hearts and more importantly their votes. According to a headline in the Austin-American Statesman titled, “Hispanic voters could change Texas politics, experts say…” the Republican rule over Texas may even be in danger by the year 2020. This would make a lot of sense given the ongoing issues of illegal aliens the cordoning of the US/Mexico border. Recently laws have been passed not only giving those from out of the country an easier way to become a citizen, as well as, issuing government funds for the well being of those less fortunate people.
Its now a race over who can kiss the most immigrant tushy since they finally outnumber those who run things. I predict both parties will grovel and play nice at least until they can be sure that they have the Mexican vote in their pocket. Who can say what steps will be taken to secure a parties foothold in our state. “Frank Guerra, a veteran marketing consultant, said candidates would do well to heed the strategy of corporate America, which is successfully tapping into the spending power of U.S. Hispanic consumers, expected to top $1 trillion in 2008. “ Once again those who control the money control the flow of power. With profit to be gained and favor to be won the Hispanic influence just cant be denied. The Replublicans found out in the 1980’s that if they curried favor with the Mexican vote and keep it in their favor in the high 20 percantile that statewide elections can be won with regularity. Now the democrats have come to the darker than white side hoping to sway that vote for their favor with bribe after blatant bribe. They might as well scream “Vote for us and we’ll make all you dreams come true,” from daydreams of healthcare to fancies of citizenship.
While all this article says is right in my beliefs, it still does little to emphasize the change in society that we will have the delight to observe. The tone is all fact and numbers, but the effect it shall have is much more than most people espect I think. As time goes on I do believe our governors and head officials shall take on the appearance of our population as well. Question is will the shift in color and culture bring a new more beautiful future for government, or will it still be the same old bland game just different faces in charge.

Supreme Court rules state can't regulate Bible schools

I thought when i first read this story that it may be a type of poetic justice that it would be my first blog entry. The taboo of religion and belief directs many political influences that decide our future. So why not start by showing an old fight brought to present day. After a utterly useless 10 year fight our superiors have finally dubbed it illegal for the state to set standards for religion in schools and universities. All I can say is "FREAKIN WOW" took them this long to realize that our state which is a part of a free country, declared freedom of religion a long time ago. Now being of a free choice mind I wasn't aware that there were actually bible institutes, but hey a texan has a right to study what they wish. There are just those that are mad that the old days are dead, and slowly they've become outnumbered in the ways they think. This is just an attempt to keep a bit of control over what they are losing. No more laws about a freedom we were promised from the start.....YEAH!!!! SO LET MY PEOPLE GO....religiously that is.